The Secret Sauce: Why doesn’t IKEA sell assembled furniture while they can?

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The Secret Sauce: Why doesn’t IKEA sell assembled furniture while they can?

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The Secret Sauce: Why doesn’t IKEA sell assembled furniture while they can?

When working with IKEA, @rorysutherland  was advised

‘Don’t suggest making the IKEA experience more convenient. Or we fire you on the spot.’

That’s intense. But that’s what made IKEA the giant it is today.

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What happens when you buy furniture from IKEA?

You are handed parts and plans.

And when you buy furniture, it is often a moment that signifies something:

• The baby is on the way.

• After a personal achievement

• Redesigning for self expression

• Fresh beginnings: starting a new life

• Redesigning for self expression

• All these moments are highly emotional.

Now let’s pick one. The most monumental one: the baby is coming.

Together you picked a baby bed for $149.

Before bringing the furniture to your home, you bang-bang some hotdogs in IKEA.

(with onion crunch)

You get home. Move the new furniture to the baby’s room.

The room is empty.

It’s only you, your lover and the baby's bed.

You’re trying to figure out instructions with a cup of tea.

Together, you bang the nails and build the first ever bed of your baby.

You’ll never FORGET this day.

And when she is born, your daughter will sleep in a bed that YOU made together.

Now, can you tell me that if the baby bed is still $149?

You can’t really put a price on that.

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IKEA DIY is smart af.

Because it ties the perceived value to the emotional experience.

The greater the emotional motivation, the bigger the perceived value.

Now, let’s make a thought experiment.

Go look at any IKEA furniture in your house.

Try to recall the moment when you built them.

Odds are you’ll recall it successfully 95% of times.

(Sources: my ass)

Now, imagine what happens when you take EFFORT out of the IKEA experience.

You don’t have access to the moments anymore.

All of a sudden, all furniture becomes soulless.

They lose their magic.

Because EFFORT makes people commit.

It makes everything more meaningful and memorable.

Ok, how can you do it?

Here is some food for thought:

• Coaching: Co-creating the strategy

• Digital course: Give tasks at the end of each section.

• Digital product: Customizable interface to increase ownership

• Consulting: Open feedback loops, commit clients to your plan and share the strategy.

Effort is your friend.

Use it to tie your product to emotional experiences.

Go beyond $ and own the experience.

Reading this will get you 5 steps ahead of other copywriters on X

3 min

Reading this will get you 5 steps ahead of other copywriters on X

3 min

Reading this will get you 5 steps ahead of other copywriters on X.

Nope, I’ll not share 15 textbook copywriting tips.

Instead, I’ll share 11 years of raw writing wisdom.

You’ll understand what writing fundamentally is. And it'll motivate you to sit your ass down to write every day.

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Whenever you open a blank page, to write, you need two things

• A problem to solve - Topic.

• A framing to introduce the solution - Lesson.

Now listen. The following sentence is fucking huuuge.

Writing is not only a problem solving skill. It is also a problem creation skill.

Maybe you don’t realize this. Because your problems are always coming from clients.

‘Hey, we want to sell this, but there’s an XYZ challenge’

You address this challenge using a bunch of marketing principals.

So as a copywriter, you're tackling others' issues, not creating your own.

Let’s look closer, the difference is massive here.

Because if there is no problem, there is no writing.

And the best writing happens when you resonate with the problem.

You resonate with the problem MOST when it is coming from your soul and bones.

So if you want to write something extremely good, it should be your own problem.

Bc only then, as you write, your writing will transform into journey within.

An exploration that can’t be replicated by others. Because it happens in you.

Then in your writing, you’ll start to notice bits of authenticity, unique ideas and expression.

You’ll develop a style simultaneously. You’ll naturally learn how to be a good writer as you write.

To conclude: the prerequisite of good writing is to have your own problems to solve.

And if you got 99 problems, and the bitch ain’t one.

Then it shouldn’t be a problem to find a problem.

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Chapter 2: MIND = BLOWN

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Problems are everywhere.

Listen closely, and you’ll find them.

For example: I posted this the other day.

’The only copywriting tip you need: write every day’

When this came to me, I didn’t notice this was a problem.

But what actually happened is: My mind was so bored seeing copywriting tips all over X, it posed this statement as a problem.

So I realized: Reading more than writing is a trap for copywriters.

And I decided to write this long form.


I didn’t know that I had these ideas in me, until I sat my ass down to write.

So here is what I noticed after countless hours of writing.


This may sound insane but:

The realization of the problem can’t surface, if you don’t know the answer deep down.

Writing is a tool to dive deep. To search for the answer within.

Open a blank page. Write your problem down. And watch your fingers suck the answers from your brainz.

If you don’t believe me, try it.

I sit down to write every day with a problem at hand.

The solution always shows up.

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Now, we know that writing = creating and solving problems.

If you write every day, you’ll be insanely good at:

• Spotting problems

• Creating solutions

• And copywriting

Notice that copywriting is almost a bonus at this point.

And bro… If you have these skills, you’re basically unstoppable. Because:

• People pay you to spot problems.

• People pay you for creating solutions.

• You create businesses when you both create and solve problems.

So, writing every day is the best thing you can do to be a better copywriter, yes.

But it actually goes beyond it. You also become this 4D chess player seeing all angles.

And this is the difference between GOOD and the BEST copywriters. The best ones are experts at framing.


To put it simply: I write for wisdom.

Beyond business, writing is self-awareness.

As you write more, you get closer to yourself.

Writing every day eventually opens a portal to philosophy, psychology and society.

Know yourself. This is the greatest gift of writing.

Closing thoughts

Copywriting tips are just TACTICS. Read and know about them, 100% beneficial.

But writing, as I described, is a multi-dimensional skill.

It is like a magical exercise that works all-body parts.

Write every day.

Take it seriously.

You’ll thank yourself.

Nurofen’s secret: how to sell the same thing for more $

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Nurofen’s secret: how to sell the same thing for more $

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Nurofen’s secret: how to sell the same thing for more $.

Product development team of Nurofen are genius mfers.

They did something extremely smart to leverage the PLACEBO effects.

Nurofen even faced a legal heat for this sneaky move; and everything got taken down...                                                            

As you know, Nurofen is a popular painkiller.

Back in the time, they went for a smart line extension by launching 4 more products:

• Nurofen Tension Headache

• Nurofen Migraine Pain

• Nurofen Period Pain

• Nurofen Back Pain.

But here is the thing:

All these products had the same active ingredient ‘ibuprofen lysine’.

And the variants were sold at a higher price than the basic brand.

Think about it. They were all IDENTICAL on the inside.

So the commission had a point with the legal case.

BUT. Remember… These products worked wonders for many.

People convinced themselves on a psychological level.

And they felt relieved from back pain when they had a Nurofen for Back Pain.

It is kind of insane. But this is how we work.

It's proof that belief can trick your brain into to real results.

If you can make people BELIVE, then the PLACEBO is a damn powerful concept.

It is the closest thing to magic on the earth.

Think of ways to use the placebo effect in your marketing.

How can you inject belief into your customers?

It usually costs nothing.

And it results in GOLD.

5 lessons you’ll learn from the world oldest marketers

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5 lessons you’ll learn from the world oldest marketers

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5  lessons you’ll learn from the world oldest marketers: Flowers

Flowers are grass with an advertising budget

Their scent, petals and colours are nature’s marketing strategies.

And they’ve been selling to survive for millions of years, with bees as their clients.

It is one of the most competitive sub-niches on earth.

What is the challenge of the flower market?

To convince the first bee that they’re worth the second visit.

Get it right, and that bee becomes their brand ambassador.

Acting as a referral campaign, it brings other bees.

But how do flowers influence bees’ decision making?

Let’s take a closer look at FLOWER FUNNELS.

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1- Love at first sight

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Scent and petals.

These are the first two things that bees are attracted to.

Which proves the external branding of your brand is important.

People will simply judge your potential by looking at your design and copy.

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2. Show, don’t tell

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Big petals = More nectar.

The size of petals is just like testimonials.

Bees understand there is a correlation between petals and the supply of nectar.

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3. A tasty offer

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Scent and petals. CHECK.

Now we come to the offer: nectar.

If flowers overdeliver in nectar supplies, they see recurring bee visits.

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4. Time is honey

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Some flowers bloom at specific times to attract their ideal pollinators.

Brands too, use time to their advantage.

Day, night, Q4 of the year, Black Friday or Christmas time to name a few.

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5. Beware of fake gurus

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Orchids are the fake gurus of the plant kingdom.

(These huge petals yield no nectar)

They mimic other plants to draw bees in.

Ever been to a tourist trap restaurant?

Orchids are exactly that.

They rip off their visitors once, because they know they’ll never come back.

But respect to Orchids. It is their business model.

And since they survived millions of years.

It surely works.

It’s not a coincidence that marketing commands a huge part of our life.

Because it is how life works.

And as you see from flowers and bees, nature prioritizes:

• External branding

• Internal offer

• Delivery strategy

Now, go check your marketing.

Put importance on what nature teaches you

Trust in millions of years of intelligence

Because the business game we play is part of nature.

Montaigne lived in a castle with a graveyard view

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Montaigne lived in a castle with a graveyard view

2 min

Montaigne lived in a castle with a graveyard view.

One of the greatest writers of all time used death as his muse.

This enabled him to sit down on his ass to do what was important: writing

I don’t have a castle, but I have something more powerful that you also have.

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People in their 20s on X are chasing wisdom, business and money.

I was chasing drugs between 20-27.

Not as 9-5, though. Bc I always had a 9-5 after 22.

But, I spent a great amount time being lost.

I had very good friends with bad habits and a twisted sense of fun.

I did almost every drug. Both soft and hard.

One of my friends almost died in front of me. And I thought I was dying a couple of times.

At least, I was lucky to experience life-changing awareness with psychedelics.

But I witnessed others who literally lost their minds. So I won’t recommend.

As a result, I lost thousands of days and brain cells.

I’m nowhere near as rich as Montaigne.

But I have a fucking graveyard of lost moments inside my brain.

In a sense, I have a castle with a graveyard view.

I’m sure you have lost moments too.

So you have your own castle and graveyard view.

Well, while we are at it.

Let’s talk about death too.

What a fucking mood this long form has.


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Death is good.

If death wasn’t there, you would treat your time as I treated my 20s.

Death makes everything precious.

It makes you grateful because you spent one more day with your gf, fam, friends or your cat.

The fact you’re going to die, makes everything more vivid.

Death makes me write 2 hours every morning.

I’m 33, I don’t have time to fuck around anymore.

And don’t get me wrong. If you’re younger, you always have time to fuck around and find out.

But always remember you have a limited amount of time to fuck around.

So fuck around responsibly.

And think about this, lucky mfer:

Every day is a limited edition, designed for you.

So make the most out of it.

Make sure that it counts.

So here is my structured advice for you

• Find your graveyard

• Find inspiration in death

• Understand that time > everything else

• Sit your ass down to do what is important for you

• Pressure makes diamonds

Plus, life is much more rewarding when you realize your potential.

Look at Montaigne mfer.

He is my favorite writer.

No grim reaper can kill him.


P.S. Montaigne, your next-door graveyard made you a legend. You’re nothing without death.

Inject people sense of certainty by doing literally nothing and make them pay you $

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Inject people sense of certainty by doing literally nothing and make them pay you $

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Inject people sense of certainty by doing literally nothing and make them pay you $.

Nothing here is a PLACEBO.

I’ll show you how elite-level marketers pull psychological triggers.

If you want to learn some 4D marketing strategies:  I’ll give you 3 ideas to feed on.

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Here is the thing.

The survival mode is always on, and it demands safety.

In business, in daily life, in relationships, we want predictability.

You feel safe when:

•The doctor says ‘everything looks normal’.

• Waze shows an ETA of 32 minutes.

• Your phone has 94% battery.

• Your gf says ‘I love you’ back.

• You can pay your rent.

SAFETY is our core need.

And we prioritize things that make us feel safer.

So, no matter what your job is, making people feel safe plays a huge part.

Make people feel safer. Make their life predictable and their money is yours.

Now you know why safety is important, so let’s talk about ELEVATORS.

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Everyone is in.

We are ready to go to the 6th floor.

Lemme smash this little button so I can close this damn door.


The ‘door close’ buttons in most elevators are actually placebo buttons.

They exist to comfort impatient people by giving them something to do.

And it is genius. Bc it gives an illusion of control.

Similarly, many pedestrian crossing buttons are just for show.

Most traffic lights run on timers.

But life gets better when we have buttons to press.

Press the button and waiting feels proactive.

You’re waiting. But you’re waiting in control.

The same principle applies when you’re waiting for your train.

The countdown timer offers clarity.

‘10 minutes for arrival’ eases the mind.

We feel better, because the future isn’t uncertain anymore.

Now, you can text your darling to heat the lasagna.

So, my question is, what’s your business’s placebo button?

Here is some food for thought:

• Priority support: give support FAST.

• Testimonials: To comfort them to buy.

• Exclusive waitlist: play the exclusivity card.

• Customization: small aesthetic tweaks to give sense a of control.

Can you see why the iPhone is the best out there?

Because it gives you full control.

(Yet you’re the puppet, lol)

You see.

Give safety, certainty and control.

And get money.

P.S. Making people extremely unsafe and miserable about their current life can also make them buy from you.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA (laughs hysterically)